
Ok here we go. First I would like to say sorry for the bad spelling and grammar here. super busy and dont have time to go back and reread what I am writing.

Im doing inktober 2019, but instead of drawing. Im making games on that theme. God spare my soul.

This first theme was RING.  With time being an issue with this challenge I ran all the different types of rings I could think out through my brain.

Wedding, onion, racing, planet. Stopped on that one. A ring around A planet jumping to the next one.

So I set to work. I opening krita I drew a circle with a 1px brush, filled it with a gradient tool and painted some green clouds ontop with an airbrush brush. I did the same thing with the ring, but filled in the line this time after mushing it.

However I wanted the ring to go around the palent so I cut the ring in half and exported them both. 
First thing I did was to make it so I could pull back and shoot the ring.  Getting the mouse pointer when clicked down and when let go I used these two lines:

 powertoadd = Vector2.Distance(posOnClick, posOnRes);

 ringbody.AddForce(launch * powertoadd * Time.deltaTime * extra);

I ALWAYS use Time.deltaTime as its the easiest way I know of to make a pause menu. Spent some time playing with its rigid body and gave it an extra power ver so it would always move a little bit when shot.

Next I made the planet, gave it a trigger to check to see if the ring hit it and when it leaves it gets destroyed, later on I changed this to play an animation and add score to the UI.  Made a script that would random the color and size of the planet .

Grabbed a background that I made before. I made that by in photoshop using noise, setting it to black and white then playing with the curves. set it to tilting and pulled it out big. With the amount someone moves in this game you SHOULDNT reach the edge, but if this was a full game I would of done it differently.  

Next made the animation for the hoop by moving it left and right, and, up and down in the timeline and scaling it a little bit when it was down.  then scaling it smaller when it up. 

Made a spawner that was set on the player and would make a new planet pop up every second. It would pop up around the player. So if someone zooms to one way or the other they may never see any planets. 

Next was the UI. I wanted to get the score to pop everytime they blew a planet, but this failed. So it just flashes. I was spending too much time messing with it trying to get it to work right so I just left it as the mess you see now.

Lastly was the timer, using  image type "filled" made it super easy. Though I spent far too long not realizing that I was dividing the big number by the small number in my timer rather other way around to get the fraction I needed. 

A quick test play showed that as time went on and the score and total time became bigger the speed of the bar dropping was getting too small. So I -30 from both sides when it gets over 60 this might break the game. I do not know. 

Added a pause menu, that starts the game paused so you have a second to read the rules.

At some point, I dont know when, during this I made a main menu and added some music and sound effects.

wish me luck for mindless tomorrow. 


InkBuild.zip Play in browser
Oct 01, 2019

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